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Sushi Bowl (Whole 30-ish, Plant Based)

I'm sure there's a term for a thing that is recipe adjacent but is not an actual recipe, but I have no idea what it is. A tutorial? A guide? Who knows? Does anyone care? Enough of that, let's get on with it. I created a Whole 30 Plant Based Sushi Bowl! And it was delicious . Here's how I did it: Compliant rice Yep, the rice in this bowl is cauliflower. Sure, I could rice my own cauliflower, but I'm pretty lazy (also Things are Going On in my life at the moment) so I went the easy route. 5 minutes in the microwave. I dumped it into a larger-than necessary bowl then mixed in 1 tsp rice wine vinegar (I have both sweetened and normal in the pantry, I chose the normal to get closer to Whole 30 compliance). Then I scooped about 1/3 of it into another bowl because I was hoping this would be delicious and I'd want to eat it more than once. I used my kitchen sheers to cut a nori sheet into little nibs and mixed that into the smaller bowl. Grain free sushi rice! Add some ...

Whole 30, in between

 I'm admitting that I just cant't  handle Whole 30 right now. I do want to do it though. I'd planned it. I'd shopped for it. I researched it. I was so ready . Then my mom died on day 2. My first day one was a week ago today. I won't be ready to try again for a bit. I am hoping for August, but failing that, September is also a good choice (plus a 30 day month fits better in my brain, so there is that). Until I can go all in, my plan is to try each day and not beat myself up if and when I fail.And I still like the accountability of blogging it, so I will keep this part up, probably sporadically, until I'm actual able to go all in again. I will need to come up with cleverer post titles, though. They can't all be "Whole 30, in between." Or can they? Eh, I'll figure it out as I go. Today is July 8, 2023 and it's time for breakfast. Coffee with frothy nutpod. It's the second and I will probably have one more Water Half of a zucchini and a gre...

Day 1, Take 2. July 3, 2023

Per yesterday's post, it appears that I need to restart. I'd rather not discuss why on a diet blog. I imagine at some point I will want to come here to determine what I ate and how I felt through this process and details might be triggering. I am a middle aged snowflake and all that (not really, I've just learned enough through being alive to not set traps for myself).  I woke up thinking about toast but then chose to reboot. This may well happen more than once. It's a tough world and all that. So let's get on with the day, shall we? Breakfast Sweet peppers and hummus, plus coffee with foamy nutpod (pretty sure that name was the brainchild of a 13 year old boy). It was quite delicious. One of my life goals is learning every possible HDT* and testing it out. This one was a winner. Plus it's a stupidly easy meal.  Not investigating how I feel today because it's technically day one and all that. Second breakfast/morning snack Dunkin iced coffee with almond milk...

Day 2, July 2 2023

 Aaaaaand... I made it through Day 1 without cheating or failing! At least I think  I did. I'm still not 100 on whether soy sauce is allowed. And I'm not even thinking about looking it up. Or rather, I'm thinking quite seriously about not looking it up. I ate some surprisingly good food yesterday and learned some things: One cup of uncooked lentils produces a ridiculous amount of cooked lentils (I feel like this is something I already knew?) Zoodles are less than awesome when they are even the tiniest bit overcooked KONJAC! I love you. Where have you been all my life? Are all of your little shapes that good? Today I need to do a bit of meal prep. I work tomorrow, although only half a day because I have appointments in the afternoon. I will need something lunch-like, preferably something I can eat cold. My heart wants chickpea salad. I wonder if my avocados are ripe enough to mash? And onto day 2 we go! Breakfast I started the day with a foamy nutpods coffee. Breakfast follo...

Day One, July 1 2023

 I weighed myself this morning, for the last time this month. 170 pounds. If I was a tall man, I'd be skinny. I'm not doing this for the weight, though. Not really. It's about resetting my godawful sweet tooth and giving me something other than the pinched nerve in my elbow, the arthritis in my knees, and my (possibly) dying mom to think about. And so we begin. Breakfast: Tofu scramble (extra firm tofu, turmeric, black salt, pepper, green onion, cherry tomato. Fried in too much avocado oil.) Tiny potatoes steamed in the Instant Pot then cut into quarters. With salt & pepper. 1/2 grapefruit Black coffee Thoughts on this meal: I used way too much avocado oil in the scramble. I normally use nonstick spray but I think that's off the menu for the time being, so I needed an alternative. I'll try something else (measuring? veggie broth?) next time.  The potatoes are perfect. I already miss my oat milk coffees.  Morning Snack Coffee with nutpods Grapes (half of the cont...