I'm sure there's a term for a thing that is recipe adjacent but is not an actual recipe, but I have no idea what it is. A tutorial? A guide? Who knows? Does anyone care? Enough of that, let's get on with it. I created a Whole 30 Plant Based Sushi Bowl! And it was delicious . Here's how I did it: Compliant rice Yep, the rice in this bowl is cauliflower. Sure, I could rice my own cauliflower, but I'm pretty lazy (also Things are Going On in my life at the moment) so I went the easy route. 5 minutes in the microwave. I dumped it into a larger-than necessary bowl then mixed in 1 tsp rice wine vinegar (I have both sweetened and normal in the pantry, I chose the normal to get closer to Whole 30 compliance). Then I scooped about 1/3 of it into another bowl because I was hoping this would be delicious and I'd want to eat it more than once. I used my kitchen sheers to cut a nori sheet into little nibs and mixed that into the smaller bowl. Grain free sushi rice! Add some ...
Whole 30, Plant Based
Because why not.